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Mankind can be capricious when it comes to truth. Have you ever noticed that we desire the truth when a lie could impact us, but when presenting ourselves to others, we tend to wear masks? Women literally wear a mask called makeup. Men, generally speaking, mask masculinity, never showing pain or sadness. These “masks” are generalizations and can cross gender barriers. But they, nonetheless, hide the truth of age, wrinkles, or weakness. In all candor, truth can be liberating, and it can bring liability.

Convenient Truth

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When I was diagnosed with cancer 18 years ago, I had a difficult time swallowing this considerable chunk of truth. “Cancer? Surely this can’t be. How can I have cancer at 35 years old? How is this fair?” It was extremely challenging to navigate my emotions. But the truth eventually set me free. It was the truth that enabled me to make good treatment decisions. A lie would have been a balm for my emotions, but the result would have been tragic.

Risky Truth

Truth can bring culpability. I just sold a car that had a rusted-through frame. Had I not mentioned the rust hazard to the new owner, I would have risked his family’s life (or others). Had I kept that truth to myself, I would be opening myself to potential litigation. Knowing the truth made me accountable and liable. Knowing the truth about the Kingdom of Heaven also makes us responsible. In fact, Ezekiel 3:18 teaches that if you, as a believer, do not warn the wicked of eternal damnation, if that wicked person dies in his sins, his blood will be required at your hand.

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What is Truth?

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So, this begs the question: what is truth? This is the question Pilate asked Jesus right after He said in John 18:37, “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth hears my voice.” Obviously, by his response to Jesus, Pilate wasn’t of the truth and was not interested in it. Jesus clearly described “truth” several times throughout the book of John.

John 1:14 – the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.

John 1:17 – Grace and truth came from Jesus.

John 3:21 – he that does the truth comes to the light that his deeds may be made manifest.

John 4:23-24 – true worshippers worship the Father in spirit and truth.

John 8:31-32 – if you continue in His word, you are his disciples and shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:44 – there is no truth in the devil.

John 14:6 – Jesus is the truth.

John 14:16 and 15:26– the Comforter is the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive.

John 16:13 – the Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth.

John 17:17 – thy word is truth.

John 17:19 – truth sanctifies.

John 18:38 – Jesus came into the world to bear witness unto the truth.

John 18:38b – Everyone that is of the truth hears his voice.

Jesus is the Truth

Jesus is the Truth in John 14:6. Jesus is the Word in John 1:1. The Word is Truth in John 17:17. Jesus is the light in John 1:9. Therefore, Truth, the Word, and light can all be synonymous. Per John 3:19, man prefers darkness to light because their deeds are evil. Mankind doesn’t like to be confronted with truth or light because it reveals vulnerabilities. Darkness gives us the perception that we can hide our evil deeds. Proverbs 15:3 rightly squashes this idea, teaching us that the “eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”

Unless one deals with the root cause, infirmity will prevail. Exposing ourselves to truth clears the path to healing. When we humble ourselves before Jesus, confessing our sins and exposing our faults, he can cleanse us from all unrighteousness (I John 2:1). But if we keep ourselves in darkness, displaying a mask of good works, pretending that our good deeds outweigh our bad, we will continue to walk in sin.

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The Holy Spirit, in John 16, “reproves the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” Per above, the Spirit of truth will guide you in all truth, and the Comforter is the Spirit of truth. Truth sanctifies or separates you from the world. Ask the Lord to expose your sin. Humble yourself before him and fully surrender to Him. Ask Him to give you a hunger for the truth through His Word so that you may be his disciple, knowing the truth and walking in freedom.  

Jesus came into the world to expose the truth. Seek Him – Seek the Truth!

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