About Us

In 1987, I was living in sin, living for myself, and on on the road to hell.

After promising my Mom I would go to Church, I finally kept my word and went. The old, dilapidated school house had seen better days. The ceiling had cracks in it, the roof needed replaced, and the carpet was a sickly green color. While the physical appearance of the place was in sorry shape, the spirit of the place was alive. They actually enjoyed being there. “Singing time” was nothing like the dead-crusty Methodist church I grew up in; it was ALIVE!. The people possessed something I didn’t have; they had a peace I could only dream about. They knew Jesus and He knew them.

As they gathered to pray over the sick, I bowed my head in respect. I had no idea what was going on. I did, however, notice the nasty green carpet again. For some strange reason I began to get choked up…”snap out of it, Don” I told myself. Then someone got me a tissue because I had tears streaming down my face. That was it… I HAD TO GET OUT OF THERE!

I left to go to work and was crying my eyes out (I probably shouldn’t have been driving). Then – out of the blue – I started laughing like I heard the best joke ever. Then I cried – then I laughed. The weight of the world was off me. I asked myself out loud, “how come nobody has ever told me about this?!?” Now I make it a point to tell people about Jesus and how He can give you a New Heart!



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Paths to Heaven

We strive to team up with the body of Christ to collaboratively reach the lost for Jesus.

The Streets:

A friend of mine, Jim Colwell, introduced me to street preaching in 1987.  While I was inconsistent with it in the late 90’s, public proclamation has been our modus operandi. The scripture is crystal clear that the great commission requires that we GO to the sinner. The Church is THE CHURCH, not the building. We preach where there are crowds and our intent is to preach the full counsel of God. He uses the foolishness of preaching to save those which are lost.


We love encouraging and training the body of Christ how to evangelize. While we don’t pretend to know it all, we do have a tested skillset to help build the body of Christ in this area. We also have a heart of revival that desires to stir up the body of Christ to be bold in their faith, to press-in with prayer, to put off the flesh, and to live a godly life now in this present world.

Social Media:

We strive to reach the world with social media as well. Scroll down to find our Facebook, YouTube, and Anchor links.

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