Asbury – When Jesus Does Not Commit

I remember a time when one of my kids got so sick, he was afraid he was going to die.  Tears began to flow, and repentant words began to emit from his pie-hole.  Knowing this was nothing more than “jailhouse religion,” I called it out, thanking him for the apologies but made it known to him that this type of emotional apology based on the fear of dying and going to hell doesn’t work.  True repentance always follows a change in life even if he doesn’t die.  Jesus experiences this all the time

What Jesus Said About His Committal

John 2:23 “Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name when they saw the signs which He did. 24 But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men, 25 and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.”

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Directly after this, Nicodemus recognized and made mention of Jesus’ miracles, signs, and wonders and said, “no man can do these miracles that you do, except God be with him.”  Jesus’ answer?  “You must be born again” and “born of the Spirit” to see or “know” the kingdom of God.  Nicodemus witnessed the miracles first-hand.  He knew God was “with” Jesus, but he did not know Jesus as the Messiah.  He was not willing to forsake his life of being a religious leader in exchange for following Jesus with his whole heart.  The miracles were cool; the goosebumps were real; following Jesus to the death? “I’ll pass!”    

What Jesus Said About Seeking Signs

Many today seek after signs, wonders, and revivals.  Why?  According to Jesus, because they are wicked and adulterous.  Matt 16:4 “A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them and departed.”  We need the resurrected Jesus, not sparkle, glitz, and goosebumps.  An indwelling of the Spirit of God, not a flash-in-the-pan, feel-good panacea.

As I write this blog, Asbury University is experiencing a movement where many have accepted Christ, repented from sin, and have been revived.  This is not in question.  Where 2 or 3 gather in His name, there He is in the midst of them.  He used it, and many were drawn to the Lord.  But a little leaven leavens the whole lump.  1 degree off when traveling 1-mile results in a 92 feet difference.  As followers of Christ, we need to understand why Jesus was reserved in his committal and follow suit.  

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Asbury - Organic Jesus Seekers

What reportedly began as an organic, instantaneous praise and worship experience led by students has become a world-wide, sensational event that thousands are swarming to.  Never-mind the marketing and hype that started in November of 2022 by Pastors Francis Chan and Rick Warren for a 200-year anniversary of college day of prayer (which is Feb 23, 2023).  Never-mind the same Pastor suggesting to the students to seek Jesus that revival may revisit the campus as it did in February of 1970.  Never mind the ecumenical and compromising bent towards the ungodly.  “Nothing to see here but a revival,” says the religious masses.

What is it that attracts the crowds?  Why are they driving 10-15 hours to stand in line for 4 hours?  What are they seeking?  Mostly, they are seeking a feeling.  They are trying to get around other believers to prop up their failing faith and to get hopped up on strange fire.  I say strange fire because there is evidence that unholy and unrighteous “vessels” are leading the worship songs.  These masses, like in Jesus’ time on earth, are seeking the sensational and Jesus, as he said back then, does not commit himself to this frenzy of phoniness.  He is looking for followers that are humble and repentant, ready to follow Jesus to their death, if necessary.  These followers are those that are truly born-again. 

Jesus Thinned the Crowds

Jesus thinned the crowd several times in his ministry.  Someone said, “I’ll follow you anywhere, Jesus!”  Jesus replied (paraphrased), “really?!  Foxes have dens and birds have nests; I don’t even have a place to lay my head.”  What a discouragement.  Jesus told the rich young ruler that if he wanted to follow him, he had to sell everything.  This stopped the money-loaded young man in his tracks as this was a hard thing for him to do.  Jesus told his disciples, “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you.”  (John 6:51) Verse 66 tells us that this saying motivated many to depart from following Jesus.  And, once Jesus was on the cross, nearly everyone forsook our savior. 

Why does Jesus do that?  He wants all to be saved and desires that none perish in hell and yet he only commits himself to those that commit themselves to Him.  He’s looking for those that count the cost and don’t look back.  He does this because he is seeking for true seekers.  Psalm 50:16 teaches us that God does not desire the unrighteous man’s worship.  “But unto the wicked God says, what have you to do to declare my statues, or that you should take my covenant in your mouth?  Seeing you hate instruction and cast my words behind you.”  In vs. 51:17 God states, “the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart.”  

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The Solution

Simply raising your hands in the air and singing popular worship songs does not impress the Lord.  A humble, repentant heart is what He is looking for.  Someone who will follow Jesus to the cross.  Sinners quoting scripture, songs, and pithy sayings impresses nobody but the unrighteous.  God is looking for a remnant that forsakes this world in exchange for a wooden cross.  Jesus said that if “any man would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”  The world, instead, indulges themself, forsakes the cross, and follows the crowd. 

Don’t seek the miraculous or sensational; seek to know Him and to be know by Him

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