The Heart of Man

The heart of man is deceitfully wicked, who can know it.

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I remember in grade school, Groveland Park Elementary; I had a foot race against a classmate. He had just received new shoes from his parents that would make him run fast. As a quick runner, I “smoked him,” and he was left scratching his head, wondering how he lost. In that same school, when it …

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When it comes to trust, we all are selective in what we deem trustworthy.  For example, most trust that the chair they are sitting in can support their weight.  And yet, cathedraphobia is a phobia some experience related to chairs.  As drivers, we have an unusual trust that other drivers are awake, alert, and able …

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Heart Speech

“Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”  [Matthew 12:34] You cannot get around it; your mouth will eventually reveal what is in your heart.  Your passion cannot help but come to the surface in your thoughts, actions, and eventually words.  A football fan thinks and speaks about football.  A golf fan watches, …

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While the word Revival is not found in the KJV of the Bible, “revive” can be found 13 times.  Chayah is the Hebrew word which means to quicken, recover, repair, or restore.  It is defined in the Cambridge dictionary as “the process of becoming more active or popular again; a time when interest in religion …

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