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Death is The Ultimate Wakeup Call

There are very few things that impact one’s life more than losing a loved one.  It tends to bring the reality of our mortality into focus.  We suddenly understand that, like our loved one, we too are not guaranteed another day, let alone another minute, on this earth.  Some loved ones pass away gradually through a terminal illness.  This type of loss is not as tragic as losing a loved one suddenly due to a car accident or a heart attack.  No warning; no planning; no notice.  One moment they are here, the next moment they are gone.  This type of death is the ultimate wakeup call for the survivors.  In the wake of such a calamity, one wears a seatbelt a little snugger.  One’s health becomes a focal point where the gym membership gets used and the diet becomes healthy.  A sudden interest in eternal things arises where answers such as “what happens after death” are sought after.

Ultimate Wakeup Call: Near-death Experience

A near-death experience is another sobering encounter.  When I was diagnosed with life threatening cancer with less than a 40% chance of survival, reality set in quickly and rudely.  My deluded belief that I was invincible was shattered with the reality of my mortality.  I was an emotional wreck and did not know what to think.  I took some time to pray and, frankly, I was upset with God.  How could he do this to me?  Why couldn’t this tumor be within a child molester rather than me?  As I accused God of being unfair, he quietly reminded me that I was not nobody special and that it rains on the just and the unjust.  I came to peace with God and the tumor. 

My newfound humility prepared me for a potential early exit from this realm.  It was the ultimate wakeup call.  I indeed woke up spiritually and decided that if I was going to die, I was going to die trying to live.  I took several rounds of chemo but while I was plugged in with the poison, I committed myself to plug into the Word of God.  I studied endless hours of God’s Word and theology.  I dug into my calling and eventually ended up becoming a licensed minister of the gospel.

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17 years later, I am no longer licensed to preach but that does not hinder me.  The cancer was removed and my appointment with death has been delayed.  I embrace life and endeavor to share the gospel on the streets of Louisville 2-3 times per month.  I walk ~20 miles per week, go to the gym 5 days per week, and no longer eat sugar.  I have a strict relationship with carbohydrates; 25 net carbs per day.  I seek the Lord daily, I am on a strict budget, I blog weekly, and endeavor to take care of what the Lord has blessed me with.  Why, you ask?  Because death is the ultimate wakeup call.  I do not have the time or desire to waste time living an undisciplined life.  Our time here is limited, and we must redeem the time.  I am getting older, and good health is not a certainty.   

Ultimate Wakeup Call: Death

Death, for those that have moved on from this world, is an invigorating event (to say the least).  The Bible teaches us in 2 Cor 5:8 that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.  This means that one moment you are alive in this realm and suddenly, you experience the ultimate wakeup call in either heaven or hell.  Eternity becomes your current and final reality with no more pain of losing a loved one or fear of losing your own life.  You have arrived in either eternal bliss or eternal torment. 

No more pain; no more fear; no more suffering; no more stress.  Heaven is heavenly, to say the least.  In heaven, a distant memory of a cool, sunny fall day comes to mind.  You remember the crisp air and the rolling Kentucky hills sprinkled with dazzling colors: reds, oranges, maroons, and all the colors in between.  You remember the sound of the leaves crunching under your feet as you walk through the woods.  At the same time, you remember the smell of Mr. Fagenbush’s fire in the distance.  Your memories quickly vanish because in the heavenlies, the colors, smells, and presence of the Lord make all of life’s fond memories pale in comparison.  In fact, your warmest earthly memories are as close to hell as you will ever get.  The fullness of joy is with you all the time.  The glory of the Lord is the light, and it never fades away.  One would wonder, “why am I here?  I do not deserve this.”  A fellow saint may respond, “it is because of the blood of the lamb; He is why we are here.”    

Conversely, waking up to eternal torment would be a horrible and dreadful reality.  Unlike a heavenly homecoming, eternal pain, fear, suffering, and stress awaits the “fearful and unbelieving.”  The unyielding agony of hell’s inferno clouds out any potential of dwelling on pleasurable memories.  The unrelenting sound of the Lord’s furious rebukes remind the tormented of all the times he rejected salvation through Christ alone.  To the backslider, regret of spiritual persistence tortures his thoughts for eternity.  To the lukewarm, the white-hot fires of hell nauseate him as much as his weak, cowardly life nauseated the Lord.  The religious wake up in hell to the ultimate wake-up call of, “depart from me, I never knew you!”  No harsh or critical word on earth comes close to God’s final, judgmental, and intolerant, righteous word.

The Conclusion

Friend, you have an appointment with death; it is inevitable.  There is a 100% chance of you departing this world and standing before God for his final, judgmental, and intolerant, righteous judgement.  He will judge you for every deed according to Rom 2:6. When will your earthly exit occur?  Nobody knows.  Car accidents happen every day.  Someone dies every second over every day.  A chunk of ice could fall from the sky and end your life here on earth.  Will you be next?        

Heb 9:27 [KJV]  And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment

Are you far from God?  Have you developed a habit of appearing that you are close to the Lord when, in reality, your heart if far from him?  You are only religious.  You only call on the Lord’s name in conversations with other believers to look spiritual.  This is an abomination as it is using the Lord’s name in vain.  Ex 20:7 Your quiet time with the Lord is non-existent.  There are no fruits of the Spirit in your life.  Your every endeavor in life is self-centered. 

Matt 15:8 [KJV] This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

Have you left your first love?  You once were on fire for the Lord.  Your every thought was focused on the things of God.  You could not wait to hear the whispers of the Lord through reading his Word or waiting upon Him with bended knee.  Your heart leapt in worship with streams of tears running down your face.  But now your mind is elsewhere, and the presence of the Lord has departed.  1 Sam 4:21. You have, no doubt, left your first love.  This love has been replaced by a love of money, sport, entertainment, and carnality.    

Rev 2:4 [KJV]  Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.


Run to Him!  He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins!  This is your wakeup call!  Turn to him now before you experience the ultimate wakeup call in first-person. 

1John 1:9 [KJV]  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

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