2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
“Deceived” in Greek is defined as “to cause to stray from the straight path – to roam, wander. To lead astray from safety, truth, or moral uprightness. To deceive, mislead.” This same Greek word is used in:
- Matt 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive
- Matt 22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God
- I Cor 6:9 Be not deceived.
- Hebrews 3:10 Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway err in their heart; and they have not known my ways.”
The Enemy of Your Soul
Because the enemy of your soul is conspiring to damn you to hell, most people are deceived regularly and are unaware of the deception they are under. We would all agree that taking a reactional and directionally jarring turn would, no doubt, divert one’s path. However, this type of overt strategy would rarely lead astray a seeker of God. The enemy is much more subtle than that (Genesis 3:1). He understands the principle that small compromises yield big results in the long term. “Aviators will tell you that for every one degree traveled off course for 60 miles, the plan will land 1 mile off the intended destination.” https://www.arrowleadership.org/blog/general-leadership/whats-your-one-degree/#:~:text=Aviators%20will%20tell%20you%20that,mile%20off%20the%20intended%20destination.
The Enemy's Dilution Solution
An effective method of covert deception is to dilute the truth. And with the introduction of ecumenicism, many have accepted the promotion of cooperation and harmony within the religious community in exchange for exclusivity and objectivity. Where doctrine used to demand division, it is now being set aside to foster unity. This type of ecumenical compromise dangerously dilutes the purity and integrity of the Word.
A characterization of this subtle diversion from truth has presented itself in the form of the movie “Jesus Revolution.” It is basically a tribute to Lonnie Frisby, Chuck Smith, and Greg Laurie and their work toward building the kingdom of God. At face value, it seems like a wholesome and harmless movie that points the viewers toward Christ. But a closer examination of the key character reveals an underlying theme of ecumenicism.
Jonathan Roumie, who plays Lonnie in the film, is actually a devout Roman Catholic who admits to praying the rosary at Lonnie’s grave. During this rosary prayer, he prayed to and allegedly “connected” directly with Lonnie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC_YkOz37Ng Whether he actually connected with Lonnie or not is irrelevant; this activity is clearly necromancy and is an abomination to the Lord. [Deut 18:11-12] The director of the film is Jon Erwin, who has directed several “Christian” films. He clearly blurred the line of what is considered “Christian” by selecting and casting Jonathan Roumie in this film. Roumie also plays as Jesus in “The Chosen.” Imagine that; a hell-bound necromancer (unless he has since repented) casted as Jesus and a young evangelist (Lonnie).
Ecumenical Revival
Another prime example ecumenicism is the Asbury Revival. This “revival” featured mostly praise and worship with very little preaching. While many were touched by the Lord through faith, I wonder how many more could have been profoundly touched had there by an evangelist thundering against sin. How many left the chapel with goosebumps and “flash-in-the-pan” feelings with little-to-no impact on their soul? Did you notice that nobody taught or preached against homosexuality, Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, or any number of other false religion or doctrine? Why is that? What is the known or unknown motive for steering clear of “divisive” preaching and teaching? Jesus specialized in this type of ministry; why shy away from it?
Ecumenical Leaven
There is no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. This ecumenical leaven is a toxin to the body of Christ. It breeds acceptance of idolatry and necromancy. It reasons that we all pray to the same God. The God of the Bible teaches that the Roman Catholic practices of praying to Mary, praying to dead people, taking the “Eucharist,” and proclaiming the pope as the vicar of Christ is all an abomination. This slippery slope of wishy-washy, luke-warm, pansy Christianity, where “anything goes,” is of the devil. God is exclusive. To build up this fleshly ecumenical movement is to build of a vapor of religiosity where all are accepted into heaven. A universal God where all who die enter eternal bliss.
As a people of God, we are to separate ourselves from lukewarm unity. We are to take heed; we are to watch and pray; we are to walk circumspectly and to be diligent. If a little leaven leaven’s the lump, why bother messing with leaven at all? What is happening is that you are being wooed toward lukewarmness and duped with deception and duplicity. This leaven leads to lethargy as the tares bring a soporific malaise upon the elect. What better way to sidetrack our spiritual focus than to fill our time with fleshly, ecumenical pursuits disguised as spiritual journeys?
Here is a Hint...
Friend, here is a hint: if there is no exclusivity and no call to holiness, it is likely from the enemy of your soul. The dulling of the two-edged sword of the Word of God and the quenching of the crisp and clear denouncement of sin are clues to the believer. Seek to be right with God! Seek his truth! Even if the truth hurts, seek it as it will set you free! You are better off refraining from this ecumenical entertainment as it has the propensity to dull your senses and could damn your soul for all eternity.