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Get Over It

As I was preaching the gospel on the streets of Louisville the other day, two sinners on scooters rode by and said, “Get over it!” What were they referring to? Were they asking me to get over the fact that I’ve been forgiven? That the Creator of the entire universe reached down and set me free from a life of sin? That the eternal God desired to enter my life through the power of the Holy Spirit, making me born twice? These are life-changing events that one cannot simply “get over.”

Get Over - Life Events

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When someone tells you to “get over it,” they’re asking you to calm down and stop emphasizing a particular topic. However, some events in our lives are so significant that we cannot simply “get over” them. These include tragic deaths, life-altering accidents, illnesses, marriages, divorces, promotions, terminations, and even when your favorite team wins the championship. But the most significant event that could ever happen to someone is having the God of the universe introduce himself to you and forever change your life.

In my humble estimation, God’s impact on our lives far exceeds anything else imaginable. Hence, getting over such an incredible event is impossible. Imagine walking across the street and suddenly meeting a semi-truck face to face. With the inability of the truck stopping, you are run over with no warning. This encounter would have a profound impact on you physically and mentally.  God is much bigger and powerful than a truck and when you have encountered Him, your life changes.

Get Over - Mountaintop Experiences

Consider Moses in Exodus 34 when he went to the mountain to receive the commandments for the children of Israel.  Upon coming down from the mountain, his countenance bore the presence of God (unbeknown to Moses) which alarmed Aaron and the children of Israel.  They knew he had been in the presence of Jehovah God as he was “marked” with God’s shekinah glory.  I, too, have had mountain-top experiences where God’s glory impacted my life.  Where the observer of my life could clearly identify that I had encountered the creator of the universe.    

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Get Over - My Testimony

My mother had invited me to church several times in my teenage years.  Something strange happened to her at this church.  She went from being on the verge of suicide to being on cloud 9, singing throughout the day.  She had experienced some sort of weird joy that made me wonder about her sanity.  So, because she had invited me and out of curiosity, I went to church with her. 

This place wasn’t like the churches I have been to.  In my mind, church consisted of old buildings, organs, pews, and dead liturgy.  The people at these religious gathering places were white, stiff, rigid, and talked of things I had zero interest in.  The building my mother coerced me to go to was old, that’s for sure.  It was an old, dilapidated schoolhouse that was being converted to a church.  The interior was about as worn out as the exterior with puke-green carpet, worn-out walls (mixed with new drywall), rag-tag lighting, and smelled of aged wood with a hint of mildew.  

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Upon entering the sanctuary, I observed metal chairs instead of pews, a music stand instead of a pulpit, a smiling-culturally-diverse crowd, and puke-green carpet.  With no organ or anyone gifted to play the piano, the pastor began the worship service with a heartfelt prayer to the Lord; it was as if he had a relationship with the entity he was praying to.  Then the clapping began: “give me a beat,” said the pastor.  The singing, the raising of hands, the overwhelming joy that exuded from the congregation was a little much.  They addressed each other as “brother” or “sister.”  Why?  How were they related even though their skin tone was totally different?  Why wasn’t I addressed as “brother?”  I wasn’t sure what to think.

Get Over - His Glory

Midway through the service they had a time to pray over the sick.  As they stood to pray, it wasn’t just the pastor that was praying.  The entire congregation was calling out to God.  They all knew the God of the universe in a way I did not.  As they continued to cry out to the Lord, I had my head down in respect and was looking at the nasty green carpet.  “What a dump,” I thought to myself.  As I continued critiquing the carpet color, I began feeling an emotion welling up in me.  Was it sadness, joy, or heaviness?  I couldn’t quite figure it out, but I fought it back.  “Get a grip on yourself, Don.”  I started tearing up for no good reason.  “What the heck – why are you crying,” I thought to myself.  Crying was something I simply didn’t do.  Then another youth about my age came over and gave me a tissue:  The floodgates of weeping and crying turned from a small stream to a released dam.  I had to get out of there.

As I got to my car, I sat there for a few minutes crying with abandon.  My eyes were as filled with tears as my nose was filled with mucus; what a mess I was.  I got it together enough to begin my journey to work, all the while crying.  Then, out of the blue, I started laughing.  Then I started crying; then I started laughing.  “What in the world is this going on?  I feel free!!”  My burden of sin, that I didn’t know I had, was lifted.  I was filled with joy.  The Glory of God had rested on me and, without reciting a prayer, I had experienced the presence of the Lord. In a moment, my thoughts on life, death, sin, righteousness, heaven, and hell were changed.      

From there I indeed committed my life to the Lord and have been living for Him for 36 years. I have experienced hills and valleys but my reference point in life always points to this initial experience.  I can’t get over how the Lord touched me.  I can’t get over how when I was yet a sinner, He died for me.  (Romans 5:8) He loved me when I was unlovable.  I blasphemed and used His name as a curse word but, no matter, He took my sins upon himself on the tree.  (1 Peter 2:24) I can’t get over the fact that He healed me when I had cancer, he provided for me when I had nothing, and he protected me when my life was in jeopardy.  When I backslid, He was faithful and just and forgave my backslidings; I can’t get over that.

Get Over It

He traded my sin for His righteousness; I can’t get over that.  He forgot about my sin; I can’t get over that. He uses my meager speaking ability to preach the gospel to thousands where many have been touched by the Lord; I can’t get over that.  I could go on and on. 

This know; I can’t get over it.  Knowing Him and being known by Him is like striking gold or oil.  It’s better than all the riches in the world.  It’s better than meeting the most famous person in the world.  It’s better than attaining anything you could ever dream of.  No, my friend, I can’t get over it.  My hope and prayer is that you experience the same and cannot get over it. 

Seek God today.  Repent and believe the Gospel.  Turn from your wicked ways and turn to Jesus today.    

3 thoughts on “Get Over It”

  1. I’m your mother, Don, and though I was there, this is the first time I ever heard such a personal recount of what happened to you so many years ago. I was witness, but your detail in this blog touched my heart. I marvel at this experience in your life, and while I am very proud of what you’ve made of your life, I am so thankful that God entered your life the way He did. Because of Him I am awed.

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