While the word Revival is not found in the KJV of the Bible, “revive” can be found 13 times. Chayah is the Hebrew word which means to quicken, recover, repair, or restore. It is defined in the Cambridge dictionary as “the process of becoming more active or popular again; a time when interest in religion starts again in a stronger way than before, or a meeting or series of meetings organized to encourage this to happen.” https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/revival
Wannabe Revival
Isaiah 57:15 “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”
Many cry out for revival but few desire a contrite or a humble spirit. Goosebumps and ecstatic feelings of overwhelming joy are a major attraction to what many label as “revival.” Many attempt to imitate revival by fostering an emotionally charged atmosphere. With lights dimmed and music cranked-up, the preacher stirs the crowd with emotionally charged zeal but there is little repentance, few tears, and no lives changed. Many are compelled to join the mob at the alter to recite a nursery-rhyme prayer. Like a flash in a pan the prayer ends and soon after, life ensues. Temptation lurks around the corner to test whether the emotional “buzz” will carry the newly charged Christian through temptation, maintaining a high level of revival.
Revival is Work
Revival is work and is preceded with tears of repentance. Tears that cleanse one’s soul and repentance that changes one’s mind. Once a man’s heart is converted and transformed, righteousness and holiness become his mark. True revival is demonstrated in the life of a man fully surrendered to God, walking in obedience, and walking in the spirit. Revived men become preachers of righteousness. Their desire to preach the gospel to every creature supersedes their desire of self-preservation or social decorum. Prayer is preferred to carnality or partying. Studying the Word is the primary modus operandi as it contains life’s true sustenance.
Finding True Revival
Where does one find true revival? I remember a close friend of mine inviting me to the Brownsville Revival back in the 90’s. Maybe I should have gone as I understand the Lord really moved in people’s lives. That said, wouldn’t the Spirit of the Lord fall on me if I simply acted in faith and obeyed Him? Do I really need to travel across the country to participate in praise and worship and to hear an evangelist for my heart to be stirred? Wouldn’t obedience to the Lord have more of a long-term impact in my life?
Revival Among the Disciples
I cannot think of any men of God closer to Jesus than his disciples. Who other than John has laid their head on the breast of the savior and listed to his heartbeat? Peter was beckoned by the Lord to walk on water and was physically saved by the hand of the Lord after putting his eyes on the wrong thing. James was his half-brother. Thomas thrust his hand into the side of the Lord. These same men preached in his name and wrote volumes of Him. The Apostle Paul, who was blinded by the Lord, wrote the majority of the New Testament. Where did Paul ever write about how to start a revival? Where did Peter or John teach on the methods of stirring emotions during an alter call?
These men of God didn’t talk about revival or teach about revival; they simply were revival. Revival wasn’t even a thought of theirs. They only wanted to obey the Lord with their lives. Friend, this is what it is all about; simple obedience. Obedience when it isn’t convenient. Obedience when you are embarrassed. Obedience when you don’t feel good. Obedience when you are feeling great and want to do something else. Obedience is worthless without sacrifice. In fact, obedience is better than sacrifice.
Revival = Obedience
I Samuel 15:22 “And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.”
God isn’t as interested in your shouting as he is in your faith-sharing. He would rather you obey and preach than lay on the carpet and weep. True revival entails being mocked, scorned, spat upon, and beaten for the name of Christ. The true fire of God falls from on high when a sinner falls to their knees in repentance as a result of a disciple sharing “Jesus” with him. Revival is when a man forsakes all and spends every waking moment preparing to preach, preaching the Word, or repairing from preaching. Revival is taking the time to love on the homeless, pray for the home-bound, and care for the orphan.
Revival Is Not and Revival Is:
Simply put, revival is not seeking a feeling or an emotion. It is not embodied in someone laughing hysterically in a worship service, “drunk in the Spirit.” Is it not falling-out in the Spirit. It is not found in ecstatic joy or flowing tears. We, as emotional creations of the Lord, may experience some of these feelings and express them. But feelings and emotions do not equate to “revival.” Being physically persecuted does not feel good and is not fun. Losing everything for the sake of the gospel is stressful and not entertaining. Disciplining our flesh and avoiding sin requires commitment, self-control, and in the moment of temptation is not very appealing.
Friend, stop seeking feelings and start seeking obedience. If you want revival in your life, everyday study the Bible, pray, and obey. If the Holy Spirit convicts you of something in your life, obey Him. The greatest times of revival in my life are when I spent time in the Word, in Prayer, and in obedience to the whispers of the Holy Spirit. When we slow down and find a quiet place, we can focus on what the Lord wants with us. As mentioned in Isaiah 57, the Lord dwells with those that humble themselves before a thrice Holy God. Dwelling with the Creator of all things; this is true revival.