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Self-Control is defined by as “restraint over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires.”  It is a close cousin is self-discipline; “correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement.”  These words are used interchangeably as synonyms.  The antonym of this word is self-indulgence; excess; intemperance; gluttony; unconstraint; drunkenness.  In my estimation, there is an innate discipline of flesh-feeding involved with maintaining self-indulgence.  It comes naturally as everyone has a “blob monster” (Ghost Busters reference) deep within that has an insatiable appetite for anything other than self-control.    

  • Proverbs 25:28 He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.
  • Proverbs 16:32b Better to have self-control than to conquer a city.

Warfare and Self-Control

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Conquering a city involves strategic warfare that exposes weaknesses in self-control.  First, the advancing army must breach the enemy walls.  A small breach inevitably leads to a larger breach, unleashing floods of offensive armies.  Fear immobilizes the invaded while euphoric endorphins encourage the expanding enemy.  Once penetration has been achieved, taking out the infrastructure weakens the enemy, enabling the conquering army to dominate the environment.  When we allow intemperance to invade the walls of our life, we are opening ourselves up for failure enabling self-indulgence to run rampant like a blob monster.  

Health and Self-Control

Our health is jeopardized due to poor eating choices and a lack of adequate exercise.  Without good health, it is very difficult to effectively do much of anything.  Poor health impacts our thinking, decision making, and our ability to bring value to people.  One may decide to begin running to lose weight but quickly learns that their weight is stressing out their joints, invoking pain with every step.  Another may choose to go on a “diet” to lose weight but once they get hungry, the diet goes out the window.  While we try to understand the nuances of our activities and nutrition, the enemy has taken over and is destroying our opportunities.  Self-control is weaken further through our failure.        

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Wealth and Self-Control

Our finances are impacted because no effective boundaries have been set for saving and spending.  “Buy it now on credit” says the blob monster as he leaps over our weak, penetrable defense.  We live paycheck to paycheck, barely able to make ends meet due to our lack of self-control.  Our car needs maintenance, but we have no money set aside for this necessity.  The maintenance need soon becomes a repair need that, once again, we have no money set aside for.  Now, the vehicle that we use to generate an income is inoperable, prohibiting us from being able to produce additional income.  When our finances control us, we will eventually lose the ability to bring value to people, leaving us financially vulnerable.         

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Infidelity and Self-Control

Infidelity is a vulnerable area all people need to guard against.  Undisciplined thoughts lead to undisciplined actions where men’s eyes wander, and women mentally cheat on their husbands.  Jesus said that if you look at a person with lust in your heart you are guilty of committing adultery.  James teaches us that every man is tempted when he is drawn away of their own lust and enticed.  When we lack self-control in this area, the enemy rushes in taking Christians captive, demolishing marriages, and dismantling families. 

The Church and Self-Control

While the enemy moves with evil intention and unrelenting resolve, the undisciplined doses off in a surreal slumber.    TV, Netflix, YouTube, and Movies overrule one’s time, leaving little to no room for the Bible, Prayer, Church, or evangelism.  Laziness paves the path to lukewarmness, nauseating a thrice Holy God.  While the “church” watches mind-numbing entertainment, the world is going to hell with the unconstrained not far behind.  Immoral entertainment is immunizing society with homosexuality, crude language, and revolting sin.  The church no longer understands that sin is no longer a necessity. 

Oh, the shame of the “church.”  What is supposed to be a mover of mountains and champion of giants is little more than an emaciated, malnourished façade of faith.  A mirage of what the church is described as in the gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.  What is the answer?  How do we fix this embarrassing condition we imposed upon ourselves?       

God created us to receive an endorphin rush when we engage in vigorous exercise.  We receive a shot of dopamine when we accomplish a goal such as following a budget through self-control.  Intimate relations with our spouse begets oxytocin, a hormone that supports emotional attachment.  Most importantly, the Holy Spirit empowers us with self-control, a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5).  Per Proverbs 16:32, self-control trumps a conquering army.  Self-control fortifies walls, quickly fixes breaches, strengthens infrastructure, and maintains the environment.  Self-control is an impenetrable defense against the enemy.

Friend – seek the Lord.  Seek the fruits of the Spirit.  Seek self-control.  As scripture says, “faith without works is dead.”  Demonstrate your faith by taking action now.  Do not wait – do it now.   

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