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I Have A Shepherd

I have a Shepherd; He is perfect. He has never sinned and never will. He is strong, bold, meek, and humble. My Pastor doesn’t live here but will be returning very soon. He answers to nobody, and His judgments are true. “He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” (Psalms 23) When I consider his perfection, I am humbled in comparison.

His thoughts, motives, actions, and reactions are flawless. His leadership skills surpass any and all leaders imaginable, for He is the King of Kings. Where leaders shrink back from making difficult decisions, my Pastor runs to them, never failing to choose wisely and correctly. His wisdom defies logic, and his knowledge is endless. He knows everything, remembers everything, and can do anything except fail. He even knows what you think and imagine in the past, present, and future. He knows your talents, gifts, and abilities without fail. And he knows what will cause you to fall or fail; his judgments are true.

Shepherds Judge

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God is judgmental, and his judgments are true since he is omniscient. He mapped out his judgments in a manual called the Bible. This is where He ingeniously used shills called mankind to write what he wanted to be composed. Then, he controlled the leaders of this world, enabling persecution and protection perfectly to preserve this Good Book of Judgment. Want to know what is a sin? It is in the Book. Want to understand how to be Holy? It is in the Book. Want to learn how to live your life? It’s in there.

Because we have such a just Judge, we are without excuse. He has given us everything pertaining to life, godliness, and free will. If we choose to obey or rebel, He will judge righteously. If we die in disobedience, He will judge righteously. If we die sooner than expected, He will judge righteously. If we live past 100 years, He will judge righteously. If He takes our child to heaven before we are ready, He will judge righteously. Are you smitten with cancer? He judges righteously. He is fair and does that which is right.

“That’s not fair,” said my daughter regarding a trivial matter. “Life isn’t fair,” was my retort. At least, at times, it doesn’t seem fair. But our God is fair. Do you feel ripped off? God is fair – He didn’t rip you off. Do you think you should have gotten that promotion, raise, or job? God provided for you what you needed then – He didn’t rip you off. Even if you end up with the short end of the stick and God allows perceived unfairness in your life, you deserve it. Why? Because we fall short.

Perfect Shepherd vs Flawed Men

We have all sinned. Most of us have moments of pride with flawed actions and reactions. Our knowledge is limited, and yet we think very highly of ourselves. Our wisdom is illogical, and our memory is peppered with gaps and holes. When we judge, we only judge in part because we know in part. We thrive on our perception of fairness and cop an attitude when life’s challenges thwart our goals and dreams. Sometimes, we feel ripped off from the giver of life, breath, air, water, and land. So, how can God use flawed humanity in spiritual leadership?

He uses flawed men to lead His church. How is this possible? Through the power of the Holy Spirit. He empowers us to overcome sin and the flesh when we constantly yield to Him. When Christ lives in us, possesses us, and directs us, we effectively walk in the Spirit. If we are in the Spirit, we are not walking in the flesh; we are holy as He is. He gives us divine knowledge, revelation, wisdom, and judgment through the gifts of the Spirit. He supernaturally enables, empowers, and keeps us. But where are these men of God?

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Where Are the Shepherds?

Where are the men of God who don’t compromise, succumb to temptation, or run toward the praise of men? Rather than pastors, we have gangsters that threaten and fleece the sheep if they don’t receive 10%. They verbally beat them by taking scripture out of context, creating guilt trips and burdens. Where are the men of God who do not care about money? Where metal chairs, dirt floors, and bare-throat preaching are enough. Where “amens” and fanfare are not required or wanted. Where “thus saith the Lord” is thundered and jokes are avoided.     

Where are the men of God that pray? (If they prayed half the time they played golf or watched football, the world might have been won to Christ several times.) Their theology is warped because they don’t pray, study His Word, or know Him. They only care about their pet theology. They even compromise what they know to be right to stay in good standing with their board, members, or denomination. Where are they at? Where are the fellowships? Who will stand?

The Shepherd Solution

Friend, what about you? Where are you fellowshipping? Per Psalms 1, are you walking in the counsel of the ungodly? Is the pastor you are submitting to worldly? Is he a prosperity or theology pimp? A pusher and purveyor of false doctrine? Is your church ecumenical, pandering to the pope? Does your elder allow sin in the camp, touting that “we all sin…” and “once saved, always saved?” Are you standing in the way of sinners? Do you take the same path as the sinner?

We are called to a narrow path, not a wide path. Our hearts, souls, and minds must be sold out to the Savior. Walking as the world is death. Loving the world is enmity with the Lord. If we love the world, we are an enemy of God. No, friend, we are to shun the path of sinners. And yet, many 501c3 social clubs are no better than worldly entertainment venues. Where are the godly pastors? They are not in these places. They are likely in unnoticed home groups, delighting in the law of the Lord.

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There are men of God who meditate on His Word and delight in walking with the Lord. They don’t want recognition or fame and don’t desire comfort, ease, or applause. All they want is to live for the Lord, exercising their gifts for His glory. The problem is that it is difficult to find them since they don’t advertise themselves.

What is my point? [At times, this message seems to ramble on.] My point is this: the Lord is my Shephard. He is perfect and perfectly preserves His Word and humankind through His Holy Spirit. He has servants, modern-day prophets, teachers, preachers, evangelists, and watchmen. Do NOT give up hope: there are fellowships where the pure Word is proclaimed and God’s presence dwells. The Lord is our Shepherd and has left us under shepherds to serve the body. Do not settle or compromise because you are exhausted from your search. Don’t be like Elijah in 1 Kings 19, who thought he was the last follower of Yahweh alive. God reminded him that over 7,000 in Israel had not bowed unto Baal.

You are not alone! Maranatha! Keep the faith. Keep the fight. Don’t give up!


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