As the psalmist observed his surroundings, he obviously dived deeper into the spiritual abyss. Jerusalem, the back-setting for Psalms 46:4, was a city with small streams. However, the psalmist wrote: 4 There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. 5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.3
Growth Near the River
I have spent some time in creeks and rivers; mostly fishing. As a young man, we took a family trip to Little River, MO where we rented a canoe and paddled 10+ miles down the Little River. Me, my brother, and family friend had a great time navigating the downed trees, the rapids, and even managed to drop a fishing pole in the river. The overgrowth was partly responsible for our minor demise.
One thing about rivers; there is growth all around. The water is a resource that fosters growth to anything that is in proximity, and this makes the city glad. Glad for nutritious food that grows nearby. Glad for a water source in which to drink. Glad for potential transportation down the river. Glad for shade and a cool stream to bathe in. Spiritually speaking, the joy of the Lord is a fruit of the Spirit. When you dwell in Him, you are spiritually glad!
River Avoidance and Fleshly Fodder
Have you ever wondered how a believer can be saved for 10, 20, or 30+ years and be in their 50’s and have never grown in their faith? They are spiritually anemic and weak, succumbing to the deeds of the flesh moment by moment. Perhaps they are not saved at all and are only nominally Christian. Regardless, assuming they are saved, what is the problem? Primarily, the problem is that they are not dwelling near the food source, the river.
Their food is fleshly fodder. They feed their flesh on the TV, internet, X-Box, Netflix, and movies, steering clear of the river of God. They may indulge in a spiritual twinkie every now and then and give an obligatory prayer over dinner or before bed. But they have no real walk with the Lord. They don’t seek Him through studying the Word or prayer. They don’t care to spread the gospel because it may embarrass them. They go to a candy-store type of church and their idea of fellowship is getting together with the guys to watch football. There is no hunger for righteousness, no thirst for His presence, and no urgency to share the gospel. The “Christian” life they live is in name only. They sound, look, smell, and act just like the world. They are worldly.
Pseudo River
There are many streams out there that are being labeled rivers. In other words, people are quick to point to emotionalism and worship as revival, when it is only emotionalism and the worship of worship. Their claim of wading in God’s River of revival is merely a tributary trickle of ruin. While the music brings tears and goosebumps, it falls short of growth and godliness. They have not tapped into the river that flows from the throne; their feeble trickle is flowing from another source. Real spiritual rivers flow from the throne of God, demanding conformity to the benevolent King. The river never dries up; we do. The river never moves; we do. The river cultivates growth and is a cleansing force. The river brings about true joy or gladness.
The Answer
This is why we need the to dwell in the washing water of the Word. (Eph 5:26). His Word washes, sanctifies, and cleanses us. We should gravitate to the Bible as a baby gravitates towards his mother’s bosom. Our fellowship needs to be with the King of King and others that hold to the fear of God. As a bird-of-a-kind flocks to those that resemble themselves, we too need to flock toward those that have the Spirit of God flowing through them. Our entertainment should be to do the will of the Father and to be with others that share the same entertainment.
Friend, when we dwell in the river of God, God is in the midst of you. He is very present, and you dwell under that shadow of His wings. You are abiding on the cliff of the rock, God being your shelter. He becomes your strength and shield, and you shall not be moved. He not only helps you, but He also guides you moment by moment. Seek the Lord; seek the true river of God; forsake fleshly fodder which distracts us from heavenly streams. Seek the true torrent that flows from the throne of God, which molds and moves us to His perfect will.