Ring, ring! “Hello?” “Hey, Don – what are you up to?” “Ah, nothing… just wasting time.” How many times have you heard or said that in your lifetime? Rather, how many times have you wasted time in your lifetime? If you are like me, you have wasted years of your life. For example, if I count the amount of time I spent playing video games alone, it adds up to 3.33 years (4 hours per day for 20 years = 29,200 hours, or 3.33 years… thank God I stopped this years ago). This does not account for time spent watching sports and easily amounts to over five years of wasted life. Many blame circumstances for their financial and spiritual poverty. But I submit that wise use of free time could revamp your life.
Bible Time
The Bible has much to say regarding time and our use/abuse of it:
- Psalm 90:12 – We should number our days.
- Psalm 39:4-5 – Our time on Earth is limited.
- Ephesians 5:15-17 – Don’t waste time; live wisely.
- Ecclesiastes 3:1 – There is a time for all things.
- John 9:4 – Work his works while it’s day; night is coming.
- Proverbs 20:13 – Love not sleep.
- James 4:14 – Live is but a vapor.
Time Keeps on Slippin'
Time tends to slip away without us noticing. As a young Dad, I can remember staying up late after work to play games on my new computer. Before I knew it, the clock turned to 3 a.m., and what seemed minutes had become hours. I did not use that time wisely; instead, I wasted it. I spent no time in the Bible, no time for prayer, no time to work on a degree or to better myself. No, my goal was fleshly indulgence and to sow as much seed to the whirlwind as possible. As a result, I did very little ministry work and remained in bottom-rung jobs for years.
Time Defined
What is time? It’s a measurement of our moments on Earth compared to other moments. And each moment we have is a gift. Without God’s handiwork, our brain is functionless. Without our sense of hearing, smell, taste, or sight, we cannot have a meaningful experience or our moments here on Earth. Without us borrowing God’s air, blood, and dirt, we cannot function at all. And all these experiences happen within the confines of a measurement called “time.”
Warren Buffet said, “It’s the only thing you can’t buy. I mean, I can buy anything I want basically, but I can’t buy time.” Forbes Jim Rohn said, “Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest it.” Adding to Mr. Rohn’s thought, we cannot create or change it, but we consume it without considering it. Time is a commodity that we can never get back. It is arguably the most precious and abused possession we borrow from God.
Stepping Outside of Time
Someday, all of us will step outside of time and spend eternity in either heaven or hell. Luke 16 tells us the story of Lazarus and the rich man. They both died and ended up in different places. The beggar, Lazarus, ended up in heaven. While poor, he evidently spent his time on Earth seeking the Lord. The rich man, however, spent his time on selfish pursuits and, like most rich people these days, did not find much value in spending time on Earth pursuing the Lord. As the rich man was tormented in flames, he begged Abraham to send someone from the dead to warn his brothers. His answer? “If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.”
Matthew 25:31-46 describes doers versus talkers. On judgment day, the Lord will separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep obey the Lord and feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, take in the stranger, clothe the poor, and visit the sick and prisoner. The goats are the ones who make excuses and disobey the Lord. The primary difference is what they did with their time. Did they obey the Lord, or did they do their own thing? They who obey the Lord are followers of Him and will enter eternal life. They who disobey will go away in everlasting punishment.
Reflections of Time Wasted
As I reflect on my life, I have casually consumed hours, days, weeks, and even months of my life wastefully. As my children were young and I was busy working hard, I constantly made excuses for not sharing the gospel. My life was consumed with work and play. Did I attend Church? Yes. But was I doing what God had called me to do? No. Why? Because I selfishly wanted to feed my flesh. As a result of having strong flesh, my walk with the Lord grew cold, and I turned to fleshly pursuits such as sports and porn.
I was invited to a Mardi Gras outreach, and since there was a spark of spiritual life still in me, I decided to go and began preparing my heart. I was not ready for the Lord to mess me up. The Holy Spirit came over me during praise and worship, and I began to weep as if I was being saved again. Peace and grief came over me. Peace from the Holy Spirit and sorrow over the years I wasted, the sin I allowed to creep into my life, and the horrible example I became to my family. Most of my kids did not know of my lukewarmness, so I thought.
Time Is Of The Essence
Years have passed, and I would love to say my heart has never grown cold since (but I cannot). We have opportunities daily to seek the Lord or not. I have, however, consistently grown in the Lord and have been preaching the gospel since. My respect for time has grown, so I try to redeem it as much as possible. And, as much as possible, invest it in my wife, kids, and grandkids.
Time will tell. Time heals wounds. Taking time enables us to make good decisions and not to speak hastily. Allowing for time engages patience, and scheduling time salvages stewardship. Investing in time wisely supports daily habits of prayer and Bible study. Using time wisely enables us to do more within the 24 hours He provides us. Not abusing time blesses our employers and gives us favor with them. Time is of the essence and is precious; spend it wisely.