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Where to Witness

As disciples of Christ, we are called to be His witness wherever we are.  When we have been empowered from on-high with His Holy Spirit and when we have been saved from much, our daily modus operandi should be filled with moments of sharing the Good News.  Many Christians lead a boring and lame life because they do not venture out into the realm of witnessing.  “Where to witness” is a question that many asked and few have analyzed.  You can witness:

  • At Home
  • At Work
  • At the Store
  • At School
  • Special Events

At Home

Home is a great place to be a good witness.  In fact, your family witnesses your behavior and character more than any other group of people.  They know how you act and react.  Your family has a front row seat to your authenticity or your hypocrisy.  They see your strengths, weaknesses, and failures.  It is no wonder that so many children leave the faith; their homes are filled with faithless followers, hypocritical parents, sinful siblings, and prayerless progenitors.  We need men of God who walk the talk and live a life seeking the Lord.  Men and women who walk in the Spirit, who memorize the scripture, and exemplify holiness, righteous, and godliness.  This, my friend, is bona fide faith.  When you speak with your kids about heaven and hell, they cannot help but be attentive because your life preaches the message far louder than your words. 

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At Work

Being a witness on the job brings similarities to being a witness at home.  While you are free to speak the Word as you want at home, one must use wisdom at work due to the diverse nature of the environment.  However, your faith will permeate your entire being and your fruit will be on display for all to examine.  Your coworkers will take note of your kindness, meekness, humility, generosity, and love.  Be aware, they will also take note of any sin or error you may commit.  We need to “redeem the time” and seek for ideal opportunities to speak of what the Lord has done in our lives.  Pray and ask the Lord for these moments and they will come.  Be ready!

At the Store

When you are “out and about,” it is always a great opportunity to be a “living epistle” of the Lord.  Wearing Christian shirts with a message is a quick and easy method of getting the Word out.  Also, be constantly in prayer with the Lord, asking for divine encounters with others.  Have gospel tracts in your pocket and be ready to break the “ice” by asking them, “can I give you something?”  When they ask what it is, simply tell them it is about Jesus and how he can change their life forever.  You can do this at the store or a restaurant where the cashiers and servers are particularly captive.  They have to be nice to you so your chances of a rude exchange are close to 0%.  The gym is another great venue to invite others to Christ.  A shirt, a tract, or a simple conversation that starts with the question, “have you ever thought about what happens after death?”

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At School

If you are in your teenage years and are going to public school,
what an awesome opportunity to share your faith!  Shirts, tracts, and your fruitful Christian faith; they all work.  The great thing about this environment is that students have a constitutionally protected right of freedom of religious speech or prayer.

This provides Christian students protected liberty to openly preach the gospel to their peers. 

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Special Events

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Finding special events such as concerts, sporting events, or public gatherings are awesome occasions to practice sharing your faith.  These intentional opportunities help shape new skillsets, form new habits, and provide best practices.  A brother or sister may excel in an area that you are less skilled at; emulating them and rebranding the new skillset as yours is not taboo.  In fact, we do this all the time in life.  If a brother is good at answering objections to the existence of God, learn from the brother, engage your own personality, and use the content to work with other non-believers.  Many times, the biggest blessing of gospel outreaches is the fellowship of the brethren and skills learned.  

Any way you slice it, it is a privilege to be an ambassador for Christ wherever we are!  Embrace it, live it, love it!

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